Consultation under Regulation 19 finished on 23 February, and the Council will now gather together all the responses and submit them to the inspector who will be appointed to examine the plan. Like you, we’d love to know how many people and organisations responded; how many objected to aspects of the plan (probably most of them!); and what they said. The Council’s website says that we’ll find out when the examination takes place. But we do know already that some important and influential organisations have said they believe the plan to be unsound. If we can find out more, we’ll post it here!
You can find our own response to the consultation if you click the links below. It’s rather long, but then the plan itself is long and complicated.
WILD’s Regulation Response – Appendices
Basically, we think the plan is not aligned with the latest national policy, isn’t supported by a proper sustainability appraisal, and can’t be delivered effectively.
When will the examination take place? We don’t yet know. The Council’s website says Spring, but we hear that there is a shortage of inspectors available to examine plans. So watch this space.
In the meantime, we will carry on preparing for the examination, highlighting issues on our website, and raising funds. If you can help by donating or fundraising, please go to our website – all the information you’ll need is there.
Finally, thanks to all our subscribers, supporters and donors. We’re relying on your help!